Need help with headaches or TMJ Pain?
The phenomenon of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction and pain is ever growing in our society and yet it still remains a puzzle to most dentists and doctors on how best to treat this kind of injury and Chronic pain. TMJ dysfunction is a relatively new medical problem becoming more prominent in the past 25-30 years. The earlier methods of treatment used by doctors and dentists alike have not always proven to resolve the problem in the long term. Therefore, there continues to be more research and learning on how best to treat and manage this condition.
What exactly is TMJD or TMD?
According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
“Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD, TMJD) is an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the muscles of mastication (the muscles that move the jaw) and the temporomandibular joints (the joints which connect the mandible and jawbone to the skull). The most important feature is pain, followed by restricted mandibular movement, and noises from the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) during jaw movement. Although TMD is not life-threatening, it can be detrimental to quality of life, because the symptoms can become chronic and difficult to manage.”
The Temporomandibular Joints are exceptionally unique joints in the body. These joints are weight-bearing joints, like the hips and knees. However, unlike the hips and knees that have two separate non-attached right and left joints, the TMJ has a right and left joint that are connected to one bone, the mandible. Therefore, you have two joints that move together so whatever affects one joint will inevitably affect the other, for both joints move together as one.
Another additional and unique factor of the TMJ is in regard to the bite and how the teeth function together, which can be a key contributor to TMJD. For example, the lower teeth of the mouth are housed in the mandible jaw bone, which moves by the masseter, temporal and many other muscles and tissues attached to the face, throat, neck, and head. The upper teeth of the mouth are housed in the maxillofacial bone of the cranium, which does not move. Yet it is essential that these two separate bones operate together in alignment in order to chew your food properly. If the bite is off even the slightest millimeter it can create a stressful torque on the TM joints, causing muscles and myofascial tissues to be in spasm and inflammation. This kind of continued inflammation and tension can lead to mild or severe chronic pain.
To complicate matters, all of these parts also relate to the head and spine. In particular with the Atlas, the first cervical vertebrae, which is also where the brain stem enters into the spinal column. The brain stem is the nervous system communicator to the rest of the body, carrying cranial sacral fluid and life force energy down into the spine and thus into all parts of the body. If the brain stem becomes pinched by one of the two Atlas Vertebra from misalignment it can create other issues in the lower back, digestion, organs, and glands.
When you put all these parts together it is quite a synchronized orchestra of moving parts. If any of these parts are misaligned or stressed, for example, through malocclusion of the teeth, cervical subluxation, trauma to the face or head like a whiplash or sports injury, or even something as simple as clenching your jaw from excessive stress, this can affect the TMJ adversely. These apparently separate regions can ultimately affect and hinder optimum function in the entire body. Headaches, and muscle/tissue pain and weak digestion could all be a result of malfunctioning temporomandibular joints, and chronic inflammation in the muscles and myofascial tissues. Experiencing chronic pain and a nagging tension in our heads, jaw and neck can be very debilitating and exhausting and will often create emotional anxiety and/or depression.
Relief is within reach.
Intra-Oral massage, neuromuscular therapy, and myofascial release are safe and effective manual techniques that work on muscles both inside and outside the mouth, neck and throat.
They are effective treatments for patients who suffer from TMJ dysfunction, clenching, grinding, painful clicking jaw, excess jaw tension, migraines, chronic sinus problems, head injuries, whiplash, strains from orthodontia or dental surgery after effects, headaches, chronic ear congestion, tinnitus, emotional trauma and chronic face and neck pain. We may also use massage cupping as well to stimulate lymph flow and release tension.
Here’s how we can help you…
Since we are working on long-term goals, my work is slower than many people expect. This is because we are trying to effect change in your fascial network (your muscles are “embedded” in your fascia). I also ask for your participation in helping to find a better balance in your body. Your participation and movement are necessary in order to help your body release non-optimal movement patterns and retrain itself to a more relaxed optimum state. We may use a variety of positions while clothed such as seated or standing work. While disrobed or clothed on the table we may use side-lying, prone or supine positions. Of course, all work is done within your comfort levels, this is not about the old adage of “no pain – no gain!” This work is primarily about eliminating pain and creating greater ease of movement and function in the body.
Together we will work to lessen the symptoms of your pain as well resolve the root causes of your headache or TMJ. Through these effective healing modalities and techniques of intraoral massage, combined with gentle myofascial deep tissue massage we have seen positive results in reducing migraine headaches, neck and back pain and even improved digestion. When we approach the body with a holistic total body care methodology we get powerful and life-sustaining results.
If you have a Temporomandibular Joint injury or TMD chronic pain, you can take your first step to sustainable relief and healing today by scheduling a massage with Konea Massage. Together we will explore what treatment works best for you and get you back on the road to a pain-free and vibrant life!
Are you experiencing headaches or TMJ Pain?

Experiencing nagging tension and pain in our heads and jaw is all too common. Relief is within reach.
Intra-Oral massage, neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release are safe and effective manual techniques that work on muscles both inside and outside the mouth, neck and throat.
They are effective treatments for patients who suffer from TMJ dysfunction, clenching, grinding, painful clicking jaw, excess jaw tension, migraines, chronic sinus problems, head injuries, whiplash, strains from orthodontia or dental surgery after effects, headaches, chronic ear congestion, tinnitus, emotional trauma and chronic face and neck pain. We may also use massage cupping as well to stimulate lymph flow and release tension.
We will work together to lessen the symptoms of your pain as well resolve the root causes of your headache or TMJ.
Thank you for helping me to be headache free! My whole life I have suffered from low-grade headaches and never realized there was a world without this pain. With your assistance, I was able to be free of pain and learned how to manipulate my headaches to continue to achieve this on my own. I would recommend you to anyone who suffers from any kind of pain!
M.P, automotive designer and mother of three and family ringmaster
I’m a disabled veteran in a lot of pain, I’ve been to many massage therapist but none that actually teaches you stretching and exercises to prevent future injuries.
A.F.- entrepreneur and tour operator with the best office view
I feel great! I have had no jaw pain or tension since I saw you!
C.P. – dancer, acrobat and yogini
60 minute sessions – $105 plus tax
75 minute sessions – $120 plus tax
90 minute sessions – $135 plus tax (best value)
$15 per additional 15 minutes as scheduling permits
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